Justin Pearson and Tyler Willis of North Warren
Elementary School in Smiths Grove, Kentucky are two
of the first DARE Students of the Week for the 99/2000
school year. They are pictured above touring the DARE
Camaro and getting their pictures taken inside the Camaro
by Captain Jakub.
Oakland Elementary 6th grade DARE Students with
teacher Mrs. Johnson and Capt. Jakub.
Bristow Elementary's principal Betty Lou Smith shows off
her DARE T-shirt along with teacher Mrs. Spinks and her
class. Where is Capt. Jakub's DARE T-shirt?
ABC affiliate WBKO TV-13's Kristi Runyon & the DARE Dude
with the 1999 Rockfield Elementary DARE graduates.
DARE Officers Steve Gilbert (Indiana) & our own DARE Dude
Joe Jakub proudly stand with the DARE graduates of
Lincoln School, Bedford, Indiana.