This is an international, structured drug awareness program currently being offered in 44 countries that teaches elementary age students the hazards of drugs, while providing them with specific skills (coping with stress, consequences, decision making, self esteem. etc.) to deal with the reality of life.
Because we care.
They're our kids. Our Future. Our legacy. And we want the same thing for them - the best.
We want their futures to be bright, and secure, and healthy, and safe. And we want them to succeed. To join us in the worlds of business and commerce, law and medicine, manufacturing and selling, teaching and serving.
That's why we care. About their ability to cope with the challenges of life in contemporary America. About thief capacity to resist the negative influences around them, to focus on their strengths and their potential.
And that's why we should support D.A.R.E.
To believe in themselves.
D.A.R.E. A simple acronym with a big message. Drug Abuse Resistance Education. It's a crusade that works.
D.A.R.E. teaches our children - from kindergarten through high school - that popularity can be found in positive behavior, that belonging need not require them to abandon their values, that self-confidence and self-worth come from asserting themselves and resisting destructive temptations. D.A.R.E. teaches them not just that they SHOULD refuse drugs and alcohol, but HOW to do so.
D.A.R.E. gives our children the tools they need to build a better, fuller, more satisfying life.
The program was created in 1983 as a joint venture of the Los Angeles Police Department and the Los Angeles Unified School District. D.A.R.E. sends a highly-trained police officer into fifth and sixth grade classrooms every week for 17 weeks to teach students HOW to refuse drugs and alcohol.
The program follows a carefully structured curriculum, focusing on topics such as personal safety, drug use and misuse, consequences of behavior, resisting peer pressure, building self-esteem, assertiveness training, managing stress without drugs, media images of drug use, role models, and support systems.
By getting the message from a street-wise police officer - one who's been out there, one who knows how drugs and alcohol can destroy lives - kids take that message seriously.
And, by getting to kids when they're most vulnerable to social pressure - when they're 9, 10, and 11 years old or sooner - D.A.R.E. helps them build the willpower and the belief in themselves that they'll need to stay on track as they forge their futures.
Because it works.
D.A.R.E. has been doing its job for nearly a decade. And its succeeding.
It's not a one-hour, once-a-year visit by a stranger. It's four-and-a-half months of straight talk and conversation, with someone who becomes a friend, a confidant, an ally. It leaves a lasting impression on kids and their families, And more.
In two studies, one by the Evaluation and training Institute and another funded by the National Institute of Justice, a sample of students who had completed the D.A.R.E. curriculum shows:
- significantly less substance abuse, including cigarettes and alcohol;
- a sharp decrease in school vandalism and truancy;
- improved student work habits;
- reduced tension between ethnic groups;
- reduced gang activity;
- a more positive attitude toward police; and
- better student rapport with teachers and school officials.
And now D.A.R.E. is working nationwide, even worldwide. For all our kids.
Because you care.
The nation's leading law enforcement officers agree on one thing. They aren't about to beat the drug problem from the supply side. Not in our lifetime...and maybe not even in our children's.
Only by attacking the drug problem from the demand side can we hope to halt the flow of drugs. And that's here our children are. Let's be there with them. Let's dare to win.
For more information on how you can help please e-mail or write:
Captain Joe Jakub
Warren County Sheriff's Department
P.O. Box 1013
Bowling Green, Kentucky 42102
Localstudents in the fight against drugs.
Gene Burk and Ken Cravens of WBKO join Mrs. Johnson and her Oakland Elementary DARE graduates to congratulate WBKO's Hometown Hero Joe Jakub.
Now we know how the DARE Camaro stays so clean! It's the great work of the DARE graduates.
DARE students in the Bowling Green Christmas Parade.
Kick the drug habit
WKU Fireworks July 4th Celebration.
Richardsville Elementary DARE Display Case